Pandapower meets SENERGY NETS

The first webinar of the mini-series on the panda-set of tools is coming on Wednesday 12 February 2025: Pandapower meets SENERGY NETS!
Pandapower is stand-alone power systems analysis toolbox with extensive power system model library, an improved power flow solver and many other power systems analysis functions. Presented by our project partner University of Kassel in this webinar we will explore the advantages of pandapower tool and how it is utilised in SENERGY NETS. A2A partners will share their perspectives and experience.
Brief intro to panda tools – Odile Capron, University of Kassel
Introduction to pandapower – Theoretical basics and structure – Hendrik Maschke, Fraunhofer IEE
- Advantages of pandapower
- Functionality overview (framework, network elements, plotting, time series calculation, control module)
- Setting up grid models and plotting them
- Running power flow and time-series calculations
- Adding scenario data and using pandapower controllers
General intro to SENERGY NETS – Renato Luise, SENERGY NETS coordinator, EIFER
Application at the Milan demo site – Federico Vitti, A2A
- area and goal of application
- characteristics and implementation parameters
- grid modelling
Q&A and discussion
Session moderator – John Kapetanakis, Euroheat & Power
Read more about the tool here.